Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Out and about

Leonardo da Vinci wrote, "When you are out for a walk, see to it that you watch and consider other men's postures and actions as they talk, argue, laugh or scuffle; their own action and those of their supporters and on lookers; and make a note of these with a few strokes in your little notebook which you must always carry with you."

As I'm out and about this week my focus is on people and the creation of gesture drawings, filling the sketchbook page with images. I work quickly -- a matter of seconds, no more than a minute or two, for each image -- to capture fluid movement and expression. I'll photograph a sketchbook page to post. For now, I am compelled to share another photograph, an in-the-moment inspiration from my garden. The elegant lines of the Dogwood blossom, and complementary colors of sap green and rose madder, are sure to be the subject of a future water color painting!